Why are we here?
Why are you here?

And what is it that we do, anyways?
We're moving pixels and paying our bills and tipping people well and taking a genuine interest in our city and the people we come in contact with while we do it. We like to think we do the illustrating and 2D and 3D motion graphics part pretty damn well, but as anyone worth their salt will tell you, there's always room for improvement, and we hope we're improving.

Not just in our work and what we get paid to do, but also in our human hood and how we go about life.

Now that's a full-time job.
If you'd like to see about working with us on a project that needs some illustration or a little motion to really make it sing, drop us a line.
Now that's a full-time job.
If you'd like to see about working with us on a project that needs some motion to really make it sing, drop us a line.
Cute Animated hand Icon

Here's what we kinda look like

Amy Knight
Riaan Myburgh
Creative Director | Animator
Paul Speirs
Creative Director
Declan Manca
Liam Cockroft
Editor | Motion Designer
Ashley Atherton
Alex Nkholise
Storyboard Editor
Kevin Buya
Office Manager
Ali Cox
Branch Manager
Tap to make us move

Here's where we mostly work

In 2020, when the world was topsy-turvy [it still is], and everyone was taking their work home [some still do], we decided to bring home to our work place. We renovated a little house that we turned into a studio, something with ample space for introverts and extroverts alike, a place where meetings are held in a kitchen over a mug of coffee with a side of banter.

There's a little garden [lawn needs some help], a lot of pot plants, a [super-high energy] lockdown-puppy-turned-fullblown-dog and on cold days, a fire going in the front room
If you ever stop by for a project viewing or a meeting or just a little tour, we hope you enjoy your time and if you're lucky, you'll get a chocolate chip biscuit to boot.
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again
Office Photos of Then Again

Here's where you can contact us


6 caleb street
cape town